
发布时间:2020-11-09 14:12:07浏览:19377
2021年3月4日 — 3月6日,广州,广州·中国进出口商品交易会展馆B区


举办时间:2021-03-04 — 2021-03-06

举办展馆: 广州·中国进出口商品交易会展馆B区




行业分类: 消费电子

展会地区: 广东广州


时间: 2021年3月4-6日 
中国商业联合会智慧商业分会     广东省对外经济合作企业协会
广东省经销商商会               亚洲商业与办公供应商联盟协会

【展望SRDE 2021
为持续推动行业高质量发展,加快推进企业疫后二次布局,SRDE 2021将与2021广州国际商业智能设备产业博览交易会同期举行,实现优势互补、强强联合,总展览面积预计达80000㎡,届时将吸引国内外企业700家,专业买家逾80000人次,展出规模宏大,精彩纷呈!
此外,为了帮助广大超商设备出口商更好地在全球疫情中抓住先机,SRDE 2021将延续上届的海外买家线上对接服务,为展商精准高效匹配国际采购商资源。
在新冠疫情防控和经济复苏发展的关键时期,在行业各界的信任与支持下,首届亚洲智能陈列展示及商超设备展览会(SRDE 2020克服重重困难,于2020年8月3-5 日在广州·中国进出**易会展馆顺利召开。展会吸引了业内一众知名品牌展商,其中包括格力、雅绅宝、惠诚、九州一龙、南海王派、佳亨、百仕特、展正、朗博通、富兴、华臻、汇宜特、千翼、亚瑞特、美锦怡、钢鑫美、晶远、优度、企美、熙乐、绿缔、西科、誉成、正基、乐岁、多销宝等。
  1. 商超货架、仓储物流设备展区:超市、智能货架/货柜、商品陈列柜、仓储设 备、冷柜/冷冻设备、收款台、购物车/购物 篮、物流设施等; 商业仓储物流设备、冷藏及冷冻食品储藏运 输设备、陈列设备、商超专用冰箱、商用厨 房设备设施、商业冷链、面包房设备、食品 保鲜展示柜、商业中心地面清洁、清洗材料 设备及用品。
  2. 商业照明及零售展示道具展区:商业空间照明、卖场照明设备、陈列柜和橱 窗的展示照明、店铺设计方案、店铺装修、 陈列配件、广告器材、装饰与视觉营销、 POP陈列、A3展厅等。
  3. 商超安全设备展区:商业零售安全系统、防盗系统、电子货架标 签、商品防伪技术、防损技术、电子物品监 视系统,条码终端设备、门禁、监控报警系 统、智能通道、客户分流引导、出入口机、 闸机等。
  4. 智能陈列展示展区: 商品展示器材与展示道具、商业展柜/展架、 各种展具、陈列展示用品;视觉陈列,促销,POP营销产品、数字标识、标牌、导向标识、互动媒体、数字化商店等。 商业空间设计、展示用品及POP产品: 店铺 设计与装修、商业美陈设计、服装陈列、商 业橱窗展示设计、品牌形象设计、卖场设计、广告促销系统、营销推广技术及品牌推广活 动策划、展台设计与装修、商店全面解决方案等。
  5. 商超零售业设备展区:收银设备及相关产品:POS机、扫描设备、 自动识别设备及技术、称重技术、票据打印 机、显示设备、电子收款机等; 超市信息网络技术:EDS、电子转账系统 (EFS)、商场信息管理系统(MIS)、 POS系统、多媒体导购系统、电子订货系统 等;其他:自动存包柜、寄包柜、寄物柜、标价 签器、超市耗材等。
  6. 全程冷链设备展区:冷藏柜/冷藏车、冷冻装置、制冰机、商用厨 房、中转设备、仓储设备。
  1. 2021广州国际商业智能设备产业博览交易会
  2. 第九届广州国际自主售货系统与设施博览交易会(VMF 2021)
  3. 第四届广州国际智慧零售博览会(SRE 2021)
  4. 第四届广州国际商业支付系统及设备博览会(CCP 2021)
  5. 第四届亚太生鲜配送及冷链技术设备展(PLCE 2021)
标准展位 13800元/个 3m×3m(三面围板(2.5米高)、洽谈台一张、折椅二把、日光灯二盏、中英文楣板、垃圾篓、地毯;
豪华标准展位 15800元/个
空    地 1500元/m2 36m2起租,不包括任何设施,参展单位需自行设计、装修, 组委会按RMB 50元/m2收取特装管理费。
手 机:18620463945(同微信)
邮 箱:1593729727@qq.com

Sign up Today for the 2nd Asia Smart Retail Display & Equipment Expo (SRDE 2021)!
The 2nd Asia Smart Retail Display & Equipment Expo (SRDE 2021)
Date: March 4th-6th, 2021
Warm Tips: The show closes on March 6th, 13:00. Don’t miss out!
Venue: Area B of China Import & Export Fair Complex
Address: No.380, Yuejiang Zhong Road, Guangzhou, China 
SRDE 2021, your one-stop professional platform for information exchange, business cooperation, sourcing, and product display, held in parallel with 2021 Guangzhou International Commercial Smart Equipment Expo!
Hosted by
China Smart Commercial Sub-Council (CSCSC)
Guangdong Enterprise Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation
Guangdong Dealers Chamber of Commerce (GDDCC)
Asia Business and Office Suppliers Association
Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

Chinas Promising Retail Equipment Market
As e-commerce begins to show signs of slowdown, the sector’s key players like Alibaba, JD.com and etc. now vie to deploy in offline retail channels, indicating that brick-and-mortar stores will retain their dominance in retail industry for the foreseeable future. In recent years, China supermarket sales maintain a robust growth. In 2018, Chinese supermarkets sold a total of 2261.1 billion yuan worth of goods, an increase of 3.16%. The number is expected to break into 2495 billion yuan in 2021, generating inestimable demand for retail equipment.
Preview of SRDE 2021
Sharing a gigantic show floor of 80000 sq.m, SRDE 2021 and 2021 Guangzhou International Commercial Smart Equipment Expo will together deliver an unprecedented trade gathering with an estimated 700+ premium exhibitors and an astounding 80000+ professional visitors at home and abroad, readying the industry for the quality post-pandemic development ahead.
As one of China’s major producers of retail equipment, Guangdong is home to a full slate of leading domestic manufacturers. Being the first trade show of its kind in South China, SRDE 2021 will capitalize Guangdong’s industrial advantage to invite quality prospective exhibitors by visiting them in main producing cities like Zhongshan, Foshan, Shenzhen, Dongguan, and etc., while utilize our extensive media resources to attract premium brands countrywide.
In addition, to help connect global businesses amid the pandemic, SRDE 2021 will continue with its overseas buyer online matchmaking program first launched in 2020, to help exporters make effective contact with their target international clientele.
Review of SRDE 2020
With the trust and support of insiders nationwide, the first edition of SRDE overcame all obstacles posted by the pandemic and was successfully staged August 3rd-5th, 2020, at China Import & Export Fair Complex. The show was featured by a galaxy of renowned exhibitors, such as GREE, Ya Shen Bao, Huicheng, Jiuzhou Yilong, King Display, Jiaheng, Bestop, Zhanzheng, Langbotong, Fuxing, Wal-Zion, HUIYTE, Qianyi, Asia Retail, Meijinyi, Gangxinmei, Jingyuan, Udolux, Qimei, Xile, Yucheng, ZNKIA, Lesui, Duoxiaobao, and etc.

During the 3 days, tens of thousands of trade visitors descended on the show floor, coming from sectors like grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, shopping centers, retail stores, distributors, wholesalers, importers, exporters, and etc., to place orders and seek business partners. The successful staging of SRDE 2020 has substantially boosted insiders’ confidence in the industry’s post-pandemic revival.
Exhibition Scope
  1. Retail Display Shelves & Warehousing: Display shelves, display cases, display fridges, commercial refrigerators, cold storage warehouse equipment, and etc.
  2. Commercial Lighting & Retail Display Fixtures: Lighting for commercial space, indoor commercial lighting, lighting for display cases and selves, and show windows, and etc.
  3. Retail Security Solutions: Ant-theft systems, CCTV, security alarm systems, security tags, access control systems, and etc.
  4. Smart Display & Showcase Solutions: All types of display fixtures, multimedia display solutions, digital signage, commercial space design, show window design, promotion event planing, and etc.
  5. Supermarket Supplies & Retail Store Equipment: Cash registers, POS, bar code scanners, retail weighing scales, luggage lockers, store information management systems, and etc.
  6. Cold Chain & Logistics Solutions: Refrigerated trucks, ice makers, commercial kitchens, cold storage, and etc.
Co-Located Trade Shows
  1. 2021 Guangzhou International Commercial Smart Equipment Expo
  2. The 9th Guangzhou Int’l Vending Machines & Self-service Facilities Fair (VMF 2021)
  3. The 4th Guangzhou Int'l Smart Retail Expo (SRE 2021)
  4. The 4th China (Guangzhou) Int’l Commercial Payment System & Device Expo (CCP 2021)
  5. The 4th Asia-Pacific Perishable Logistics and Cold-chain Exhibition (PLCE 2021)
Exhibition Cost
Standard Booth USD 2,600
3m x 3m=9sqm
Double opening Booth adds $ 10% per one
Luxury Booth USD 3,000
Raw Space USD 260/sq.m Minimum rental space:36 square meters. Additional management fee:RMB 50/m2. The booth should be built and decorated by exhibitors themselves.
No facilities provides.
For more info and updates, please follow us on www.srde-expo.com!
Contact Us
Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group
Tel & WeChat: 18620463945
E-mail: 1593729727@qq.com


【展品范围】 ∙商超货架仓储物流设备展区:超市智能货架/货柜商品陈列柜仓储设 冷柜/冷冻设备收款台购物车/购物 物流设施等; 商业仓储物流设备冷藏及冷冻食品储藏运 输设备陈列设备商超专用冰箱商用厨 房设备设施商业冷链面包房设备食品 保鲜展示柜商业中心地面清洁清洗材料 设备及用品。 ∙商业照明及零售展示道具展区:商业空间照明卖场照明设备陈列柜和橱 窗的展示照明店铺设计方案店铺装修陈列配件广告器材装饰与视觉营销POP陈列A3展厅等。 ∙商超安全设备展区:商业零售安全系统防盗系统电子货架标 商品防伪技术防损技术电子物品监 视系统条码终端设备门禁监控报警系 智能通道客户分流引导出入口机闸机等。 ∙智能陈列展示展区: 商品展示器材与展示道具商业展柜/展架各种展具陈列展示用品视觉陈列促销POP营销产品数字标识标牌导向标识互动媒体数字化商店等。 商业空间设计展示用品及POP产品: 店铺 设计与装修商业美陈设计服装陈列 业橱窗展示设计品牌形象设计卖场设计广告促销系统营销推广技术及品牌推广活 动策划展台设计与装修商店全面解决方案等。 ∙商超零售业设备展区收银设备及相关产品POS机扫描设备自动识别设备及技术称重技术票据打印 显示设备电子收款机等; 超市信息网络技术EDS电子转账系统EFS)、商场信息管理系统MIS)、 POS系统多媒体导购系统电子订货系统 等;其他:自动存包柜寄包柜寄物柜标价 签器超市耗材等。 ∙全程冷链设备展区冷藏柜/冷藏车冷冻装置制冰机商用厨 中转设备仓储设备


标准展位 13800元/个 3m×3m(三面围板(2.5米高)、洽谈台一张、折椅二把、日光灯二盏、中英文楣板、垃圾篓、地毯;
豪华标准展位 15800元/个
空    地 1500元/m2 36m2起租,不包括任何设施,参展单位需自行设计、装修, 组委会按RMB 50元/m2收取特装管理费。


手 机:18620463945(同微信)
邮 箱:1593729727@qq.com
