
发布时间:2018-12-11 15:41:50浏览:1065
2019年4月19日 — 4月20日,北京,北京蟹岛度假村国际会展中心


举办时间:2019-04-19 — 2019-04-20

举办展馆: 北京蟹岛度假村国际会展中心




行业分类: 体育休闲

展会地区: 北京北京


2019中国(北京)国际山地运动及技术装备展览会 2019China (Beijing) International Mountain Sports and Technology Expo 同期活动:第十四届中国滑雪产业高峰论坛 China Mountain) The 14th China Skiing Industry Forum (CSIF) 中国(北京)国际山地运动大会 展会时间/ Exhibition Period:2019年4月19-20日 / April 19th –20th , 2019 地点/ Location:北京蟹岛度假村国际会展中心/ Beijing Xiedao International Exhibition Center 主办单位/ Host: 冰雪伟业/ Winter Cause 战略合作单位/ Strategic Partner: 法国山地星球展览会 / Mountain Planet 支持单位 / Supporter: 中国滑雪协会/ China Ski Association 中国登山协会/ China Mountain-Climbing Association 北京市体育休闲产业协会/ Beijing Sports Industry Association 北京市滑雪协会/ Beijing Ski Association 黑龙江省滑雪协会/ Heilongjiang Ski Association 张家口滑雪协会/ Zhangjiakou Ski Association 瑞士驻华使馆 / Embassy of Switzerland in China 芬兰驻华使馆商务处 / Commercial Counselor’s Office of Finland 奥地利驻华使馆商务处 / Commercial Counselor’s Office of Austria 法国驻华使馆商务处 / Commercial Counselor’s Office of France 挪威驻华使馆商务处 / Commercial Counselor’s Office of Norway 立陶宛驻华使馆商务处 / Commercial Counselor’s Office of Lithuania 持续确认中… / Still Confirming … 背景/ Background: 随着中国经济从高速发展进入到中高速的“新常态”,以文化、体育、旅游等为代表的消费经济成为中国经济转型升级、创新驱动的重要力量,国家将全民健康休闲上升到国家战略的高度,把冰雪运动作为启动体育消费的突破口。2022 年北京冬奥会和落实三亿人参与冰雪,带动社会资本进军冰雪产业,推动冰雪与健康、旅游、文化等产业跨界融合和冰雪运动消费、冰雪产业升级。在此背景下,冰雪运动、山地运动、体育旅游正在实现历史性大跨越。 With the development of China economy from top speed to a high-speed "new normal", consumption economy especially represented as culture, sports and tourism are gradually becoming the main power for China economic transformation and upgrade, and also the innovation-driven force.Our state will raise the national health leisure to the height of the national strategy, and make winter sports as the breakthrough initiate sports consumption. 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games and the implementation of 300 million people involved in ice and snow will bring social capital into the winter industry, promote ice and snow, tourism, culture and other industries integrate cross-border, boost consumption and upgrade whole winter industry. In this context, winter sports, mountain sports and sports tourism are achieving a historic leap. 目标/ Our Goal: 以冰雪运动为基础,围绕山地运动、体育旅游及其相关的培训、赛事形成的大产业,打造亚洲一流的山地展。 Based on wintersports, focus on mountain sports, sports tourism, trainings and competitions, to create top rank mountain exhibition in Asia.


展品类别/ Exhibit Profile: 冬季山地运动: 索道缆车造雪管线系统门禁管理系统雪地魔毯造雪机压雪车雪地摩托识别导引系统安全救护设施设备辅助训练器械滑雪板滑雪靴雪杖头盔眼镜护具滑雪服装Winter mountain sportsRopeway System and ski lift, cable manufacturer, snow pipeline System, access control management System, conveyor, snowmaking machine, vehicles and equipment for ski slope grooming and trail maintenance, snowmobile, identification guide System and slope signage, safety ambulance equipment, auxiliary training equipment, snowboarding, ski boots, snow poles, helmets, glasses, protective gear, ski clothing. 夏季山地运动: 水上游乐设备山地游乐设备木屋别墅模块化建筑房车全地形摩托车露营装备运动自行车Summer mountain sports: water recreation equipment, mountain amusement equipment, wooden villas, modular construction, container, RV, whole terrain motorcycle, camping equipment, mountain bike. 山地运动辅助服务: 规划设计运营管理设备租赁运动保险法律顾问服务山地运动投资赛事活动教学培训机构及学校mountain sportsservices: ski resorts design and planning, operation and management, equipment leasing, sports insurance, legal adviser services, mountain sports investment, event activities, Skischool, teaching and training facility. 体育旅游国内外体育旅游目的地国内外体育旅游产品制造及服务商国内外体育赛事公司国内外培训机构sports TouringDomestic and foreign sports tourism destination, Domestic and foreign sports tourism products manufacturing and service providers , Domestic and international sports events, Domestic and foreign training institutions .


15,800 元/9平米

980 元/平米(36平米起租)

680 元/平米


电 话:021-5415 5559
直线: 131 6702 8283
在线咨询:微信/QQ :1626314463(同号)
Rm 1812, Building No. 4, Guancheng Mingdundao, Dongcheng District, Beijing
