
发布时间:2018-11-16 11:23:58浏览:1107
2019年5月24日 — 5月26日,青岛,青岛国际会展中心


举办时间:2019-05-24 — 2019-05-26

举办展馆: 青岛国际会展中心




行业分类: 机械工业

展会地区: 山东青岛


展会回顾A review of the exhibition 观众人数破6万大关,参展商数目再创纪录,「中国食品机械展」成为北方最大专业展。 由中国食品工业协会主办的2018年中国国际食品加工和包装机械展览会已于7月27-29日在青岛国际会展中心成功举办,本次展会吸引了来自10多个国家和地区823家参展商现场参展,展出面积达5万平方米,展出规模再次刷新了纪录。三天的展出吸引了来自全国各地的63277名专业观众前来参观。FMNC再次以自己行业品牌展会的影响力,吸引了国内外食品行业的视线,成为行业聚焦的热点和行业发展的观象台;作为中国北方地区最大最权威的食品加工和包装机械国际专业展,FMNC为国内外食品行业提供了坚实可靠的供需交流平台,为企业寻求在经济危机环境下的发展之路创造了机会。 The audience reached 60,000 and the number of exhibitors reached a record. The China Food Machinery Exhibition became the largest professional exhibition in North China. The 2018 China International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Exhibition, sponsored by the China Food Industry Association, was successfully held at the Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center from July 27 to 29. The exhibition attracted 823 exhibitors from more than 10 countries and regions. The exhibition area reached 50,000 square meters. The scale of the exhibition has once again set a new record. The three day exhibition attracted 63277 professional spectators from all over the country. FMNC has once again attracted the attention of the food industry both at home and abroad with its influence on the trade brand exhibition, becoming the focus of the industry and the observatory of the development of the industry; as the largest and most authoritative international professional exhibition of food processing and packaging machinery in northern China, FMNC has provided a solid and reliable supply and demand for the food industry at home and abroad. The flow platform creates opportunities for enterprises to seek development under the economic crisis environment.


参展范围Scope of Exhibits 1.食品加工机械肉类加工机械屠宰机械调味品机械休闲食品机械罐头加工机械,饮料机械果蔬机械乳品机械酿酒设备冷饮设备方便食品设备油酥点心设备糖果机械烹煮设备花生机械米面机械豆制品机械农产品加工设备添加剂加工机械油脂深加工设备等 1. Food Processing machinery: meat Processing machinery, slaughter machinery, condiment machinery, leisure Food machinery, canning machinery, beverage machinery, fruit and vegetable machinery, dairy machinery, brewing equipment, cold beverage equipment, convenient Food equipment, pastry equipment, confectionery machinery, cooking equipment, peanut machinery, rice noodle machinery, soybean machinery products machinery, agricultural products Processing equipment, additives Processing machinery, oil deep Processing equipment and so on; 2.加工工艺设备分选及清洗机械研磨及分类机械搅拌机械均质机浓缩设备干燥设备净化设备杀菌设备消毒机械煎炸机械烘焙机械检测设备冷冻冷藏及保鲜设备等; 2. Processing equipment: sorting and cleaning machinery, grinding and classification machinery, mixing machinery, homogenizer, concentration equipment, drying equipment, purification equipment, sterilization equipment, disinfection machinery, frying machinery, baking machinery, testing equipment, refrigeration and preservation equipment; 3.食品包装机械打包机械真空包装机颗粒/粉末自动包装机液体灌装机膏体包装机械酱类灌装机械自动包装机成型填充封口机械裹包机械袍罩包装机捆扎打包机械复合软包机械容器制造与成型设备包装材料加工机械等 3. Food packaging machinery: packaging machinery, vacuum packaging machine, particle/powder automatic packaging machine, liquid filling machine, paste packaging machinery, paste filling machinery, sauce filling machinery, automatic packaging machine, molding-filling-sealing machinery, wrapping machinery, robe cover packaging machine, binding and packaging machinery, composite soft packaging machinery, container manufacturing and molding equipment Preparation, packaging material Processing machinery, etc. 4.辅助生产设备包装机械记数分类装盒装箱装瓶封口封盖称重打包贴标打标编码输送设备等; 4. Auxiliary production equipment: packing machinery counting, classification, packing, packing, bottling, sealing, sealing, weighing, packaging, labeling, marking, coding, conveying equipment, etc.


展位类型Booth Type 标准展位
Standard booth 豪华展位
Deluxe booth 展览空地
Exhibition space
规格Specifications 3m×3m=9㎡ 3m×3m=9㎡ 36㎡起租
36 rents
Cost 双开口:¥8800元/9㎡
Double opening:$1500/9㎡ 双开口:¥9800元/9㎡
Double opening:$1800/9㎡ ¥880元/㎡
configure 长3米x宽3米x围板高2.5米,含1张咨询台、2把椅子、公司楣板;220v/500w电源插座
3 m long x wide 3 m x enclosure 2.5 m high, including a consulting table, 2 chairs, company lintel board; 220V / 500W power outlet 1张咨询台、2把椅子、地毯、高度3.5米、2米x1米导光板。220v/500w电源插座
1 Advisory desk, 2 chairs, carpet, height 3.5 m, 2 m X1 m light guide plate. 220v/500w power outlet 不含任何展具,展商自行设计。展馆方须收取每平方米¥20元施工管理费。
Exhibitors do not have any exhibitors. The exhibition hall shall charge a construction cost of¥20($5) per square metre.


Qingdao blue Expo International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
青岛 市南区 山东路40号 广发金融大厦1406室
Room 1406, GF financial building, 40 Shandong Road, Qingdao
仝常伟0086+18754216050 电话0086+0532-55686180
传真:0086+0532-55686268 QQ:1050218323
