
发布时间:2018-09-20 17:22:58浏览:1000
2018年12月12日 — 12月14日,上海,上海新国际博览中心


举办时间:2018-12-12 — 2018-12-14

举办展馆: 上海新国际博览中心




行业分类: 食品饮品

展会地区: 上海上海


2018上海第八届养生品牌博览会 展会时间:2018年12月12-14日 展会地点:上海新际博览中心 主办单位Organizer 上海市健康产业发展促进协会& &  Shanghai Health Industry Development Promotion Association 上海熙春展览服务有限公司& &  Shanghai Xichun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. 上海市现代食用农产品交流促进中心& &  shanghai Modern PRACtical agricultural products exchange center 指导单位 Directed by 世界养生协会&  World Health Association&  全球养生长寿协会 Global Health and Longevity Association 中国健康协会&  China Health Association 太行有机酵素研究院&  organic enzymes Research institute 巴马生态养生协作联盟&  Bama Eco-Health Care Alliance&  恩施州硒产业发展联合会&  Enshi Selenium Valley Industrial Park Enterprise Association 2017年党的第十九次全国代表大会中明确提出实施【健康中国战略】要完善国民健康政策,为人民群众提供全方位全周期健康服务。“健康中国”不再仅仅是一个口号,已上升到了国家发展战略高度。坚持预防为主,倡导健康文明生活方式。实施食品安全战略,推动健康产业有序发展。而“健康中国”战略中也明确指出:到 2030年,健康服务业总规模将达到16万亿。据相关报道,现在的中国家庭在养生方面的投入却不到5%!从发展趋势来看,健康养生产业将进入加速发展期,数万亿计的健康养生产业正喷薄待发。 The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 explicitly put forward the implementation of the strategy of "Healthy China" to improve the national health policy and provide all-round full-cycle health services for people. "Healthy China" is no longer just a slogan. It has risen to a high level of national development strategy. We shall adhere to prevention first, advocate healthy and civilized way of life, and implement food safety strategy to promote the orderly development of health industry. The "Healthy China" strategy also clearly states: by 2030, the total scale of the regimen industry will reach 16 trillion. According to relevant reports, now Chinese families invest less than 5% in regimen living! From the view of development trend, regimen industry will enter an accelerated period of development,and trillions of regimen industry are thriving. 上海养生品牌博览会(简称:RLBE)将秉持其一贯的优良作风,依托【健康中国】战略决策、强大的技术支撑以及营销渠道,为企业搭建起交流与贸易的平台。第八届上海养生品牌博览会,将继续于上海新国际博览中心展出。本届博览会展出面积将扩至20000㎡。 Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo (abbr.: RLBE) will uphold its usual fine style, relying on "Healthy China" strategic decision-making, Strong technical support and marketing channels for enterprises to build a platform for exchanges and trade.. The 8th Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo will continue to be exhibited at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The exhibition area will be expanded to 20000 square meter. 2018年,每个人都要转变自己的观念,将重心转到以预防为主,去创造属于人人享有养生的时代! By 2018, everyone should change his mindset and shift the focus to prevention, to create an age where everyone can enjoy regimen Living! 观众来源 1、绿色养生食品连锁店和经营专柜、养生馆、健康管理连锁机构、私人会所、社区连锁超市和便利店、大型超市、百货商场、养生健康食品批发市场。 1, Green regimen food chain and operating counters, regimen pavilion, health management chain, private clubs, community supermarket chains and convenience stores, supermarkets, department stores, regimen food wholesale market. 2、邀请有实力信誉、销售网络终端的经销商、**商、分销商、应用商、贸易公司及养生食品专营中心及团体参观洽谈采购等。 2, Franchisers, agents, distributors, application providers, trading companies with strong reputation and sales network terminal as well as special supply center for regimen food and groups will be invited to visit and negotiate procurement, etc. 3、进出口贸易公司、行业协会、干休所、敬老院、疗养院、科研机构及营养保健食品生产企业的技术人员和管理者等。 3, The technical personnel and senior managers etc.of the import and export trading companies, industry associations, cadres’ sanitarium, nursing homes, sanatoriums, scientific research institutions and the nutrition and health food production enterprises. 4、电商平台、微商团队、直销机构、分销机构等采购群体。 4, E-commerce platform, micro-business team, direct marketing agencies, distribution agencies and other procurement groups.&  5、顾客服务机构、贸易服务机构等、礼品店、重要团购单位等。 5, Customer service institutions, trade service organizations, gift shops, and important group purchase units, etc. 聚焦亮点 养生品牌厂商对接会&  Butt meeting of health care brand manufacturers 养生健康名家大讲堂&  Great Hall of health health and health 2018养生产业发展高峰论坛&  2018 Summit Forum on health industry development 永不落幕的养生产品交易会&  A health product fair that never ended 养生产业品牌评选及推介活动&  Selection and promotion of health care industry brand 养生行业微商大会&  Health care industry micro business conference 欲了解更多展会活动详情,敬请咨询大会组委会 For more details of the exhibition, please consult the Organizing Committee of the conference 企业如需自办活动,请提前向大会组委会申报 If an enterprise needs to do its own activities, please declare to the Organizing Committee of the conference in advance 最终日程以展会现场为准 The final schedule is based on the exhibition site. 统领全局&  六大效益& &  Leading the overall situation - Six benefits 1、提升品牌价值-展示品牌形象,提升行业地位,提升价值度、知名度及美誉度。 1, To enhance brand value - display brand image, enhance the status of the industry, enhance the value of degrees, visibility and reputation. 2、得到媒体关注-近百家媒体到会,新产品得到关注并接受专访。 2,Get media attention - hundreds of media came to the meeting, new products were noticed and interviewed. 3、拓展销售渠道-获取、谈判、确定潜在客户、**商、批发商。 3,To expand sales channels - access, negotiation, identify potential customers, agents, wholesalers. 4、维护销售网络-与新老客户见面,维护、加强您的销售网络。 4, To maintain sales network - with new and old customers to meet, maintain and strengthen your sales network. 5、了解市场信息-直面终端消费者,了解新品上市前的市场反馈信息,更快地获取市场动态。 5,To understand the market information - Faced with end-consumers, understand the market feedback before the new product market, the fastest access to market dynamics. 6、把握发展趋势-聆听海内外专家交谈市场动态及成功销售模式,判断和把握未来发展趋势。 6, To grasp the development trend - listen to experts and experts at home and abroad to talk about market dynamics and successful sales model, to determine and grasp the future trends. 参展程序&  Exhibitio procedures 1、参展单位请详细填写《参展回执表》并加盖公章,扫描或传真至组委会。并于3日内将参展费用汇入组委会指定账户。展位分配以款到先后顺序安排,额满即止。 1,Exhibitors should fill in the "Exhibition Application Form" and stamp the official seal before scanning or faxing it to the organizing committee. And the participating fee will be remitted to the designated account of the organizing committee within 3 days. The booth allocation shall be arranged in the order of payment to the account. The booths are limited, first-served basis. 2、所有参展商必须是在中国境内取得合法经营权厂商,任何单位及个人不得携带假冒伪劣产品进场参展,否则组委会有权取消其参展资格 2.All exhibitors must be legitimate operators in China and no entity or individual shall be allowed to carry fake and inferior products to the exhibition otherwise, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel the qualification of exhibitors.



