
发布时间:2018-01-13 10:09:43浏览:804
2018年6月6日 — 6月8日,上海, 上海世博展览馆


举办时间:2018-06-06 — 2018-06-08

举办展馆: 上海世博展览馆




行业分类: 食品饮品

展会地区: 上海上海


2018第九届中国(上海)国际餐饮食材博览会 The 9th China (Shang hai) International Catering Food & Beverage Exhibition 2018 时间:2018年6月6至8日 地点:中国 中国 上海世博展览馆 Date: May 6-8, 2018 Venue: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center,China 指导单位丨Guidance unit 中国食品工业协会丨 China National Food Industry Association 国际美食餐饮行业协会丨 International Association of Gastronomic and Catering Industries 主办单位丨Hosted by 中国食品工业协会食品物流专业委员会| Food Logistics Commission of China National Food Industry Association 承办单位丨Organized by 茄阳(上海)展览有限公司 支持单位丨Supported by 全国旅游饭店与餐馆协会| National Association of Turist Hotel and Restaurants 中国餐饮特许经营协会丨China Catering Franchise Association 中国绿色产业协会丨China Green Food Association 江苏省餐饮行业协会丨Jiangsu Province Dining Profession Association 中国食品工业协会冷冻冷藏食品专业委员会丨Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Committee of China National Food Industry Associati ■展会概况| Exhibition Overview: 作为国际餐饮食材行业重要的盛宴-----上海餐博会以“搭建交流合作平台,助推产业健康发展”为主题,展示餐饮行业名企,捕捉市场机遇,以国际化为目标,立足中国走向世界。全面展示健康餐饮食材,食品配料行业企业的最新产品和品牌形象,加强国内外餐饮食材企业技术交流与经贸合作,助推餐饮食材产业上下游产业链有效衔接,促进餐饮食材行业健康发展;展会宗旨是为国内外生产商、经销商、零售商、专家学者、爱好者和消费者以及相关人士能够与企业进行面对面的经销洽谈、商贸合作、经验交流创造一个最直接和有效的平台。.


■参展范围|Scope of exhibits: ◇肉类食材冷冻/冰鲜肉肉卷肉丸火腿香肠调理食品及即食产品等; meat products: frozen / chilled meat, rolled meat, meatballs, ham, sausage, prepared foods, ready meal products,etc. ◇水产海鲜海鲜冻品干品活品水产调理食品及深加工制品等; seafood: frozen seafood, dried, live seafood, aquatic prepared products and deep- processing products,etc. ◇禽类食品速冻家禽分割禽禽肉调理食品禽肉深加工食品蛋品等; poultry Food: frozen poultry, poultry parts, prepared poultry products, deep- processed poultry,egg products,etc. ◇蔬菜菌菜速冻蔬菜调理菜酱菜泡菜蔬菜制品及各种食用菌菜等; Vegetable and Mushroom products: frozen vegetables, prepared vegetables,soy sauce pickles, pickles, Vegetable products and various edible mushrooms,etc. ◇速食食品速食米饭速食汤速食快餐方便粥调理包等速食食品Instant Food products: Instant steamed rice, Instant soup, fast Food, Instant porridge,retort pouches,etc. ◇其他食材酒水饮料豆制品乳制品杂粮和面制品山珍野味及各种新型有机食材Other ingredients: Wines and drinks, soy products, dairy products, cereals and pasta products, wild venison and various new organic ingredients; ◇配餐调料食用油味精鸡精酱油食醋调味酱烧烤制品汤料火锅调料等; Food Seasonings: edible oil, MSG, chicken essence, soy sauce, vinegar, sauces, soups, barbecue products, spices and hot pot Seasonings,etc. ◇相关设备食材加工设备灭菌设备包装设备速冻设备仓储及冷链物流设备等; All Related equipment: Food processing equipment, sterilization equipment, packaging equipment, frozen equipment, warehousing and cold chain logistical生鲜电商互联网+餐饮食材供应链B2B生鲜O2O采购平台团餐供应商农副产品电商及物流配送服务等;equipment,etc. fresh Food ingredients: Internet plus B2B, O2O fresh supply chain procurement platform, group meals, agricultural and sideline products suppliers and logistics service providers,etc. ◇餐饮收银管理软件触摸屏点菜软件各种餐饮设备信息软件类不锈钢及陶瓷餐具等; Catering cashier management software, touch screen ordering software, information software of various Catering equipment, stainless steel and ceramic tableware,etc.


■参展费用|Booth Rate:    

★ 标准展位:  (注:双面开口加收10%费用)
A.国内企业  13800.00 /展期(RMB) 3m × 3m  
B.国外企业  3000.00 /展期(USD) 3m × 3m
★ 豪华展位:3m×3m国内企业: RMB 16800元/个;国外企业: $4000元/个;
★ 室内光地:
A.国内企业   1380(RMB)/平方米   
B.国外企业    300(USD)/平方米
★ 注:每个标准展位9平方米包括(三面围板、地毯、 一桌二椅、二只射灯、220V电源插座一个)。“光地”最少36平方米起租,“光地”只提供参展空间,展馆内二十四小时保洁\保安,不包括展架、展具等。
★ 新产品新技术发布会:每场10000元/45分钟,国外企业  3000.00(USD)
★ 行业特别协办单位20万,仅限1家;协办单位16万,仅限2家;招待晚宴协办单位10万,限1家(详情见附件1、2、3)。
International Exhibitor
• Standard Booths(3m*3m):USD 3,000/9㎡;Deluxe booth(3m*3m):USD 4,000/9㎡;
(Plus 10% for corner booth).
• Raw Space:USD 300/㎡(minimum 36 sq.m.).
• New product and new technology conference: USD 3000/45 minutes
Industry special co organizer $38,000, only 1; CO organizer $28,000, only 2; reception dinner co organizer $20,000, limited to 1 (details see attachment 1, 2, 3).


如欲订“CFBE CHINA 2018 上海餐博会”展位和了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方式:
To reserve the booth of “CFBE CHINA 2018 Shanghai Food Catering Fair” or learn more information, please contact:
Organizing Committee of The 9th China (Shang hai) International Catering Food & Beverage Exhibition 2018
