
发布时间:2016-09-18 15:52:34浏览:841
2017年5月26日 — 5月29日,重庆,重庆国博中心


举办时间:2017-05-26 — 2017-05-29

举办展馆: 重庆国博中心

主办单位:重庆市经济与信息化委员会 重庆市商业委员会


协办单位:中国机械工业联合会 国家**科技工业局信息中心 中国铝业协会 重庆市铸造学会 成都市机械制造业商会 四川省**科技工业协会 重庆铸造行业协会 成都市钣金行业协会 四川省模具工业协会 重庆市模具工业协会 成都市模具工业协会 德阳市工商业联合会机械同业商会 重庆锻压行业协会

行业分类: 机械工业

展会地区: 重庆重庆


展示 Exhibition ■本届展会将重点展示近年来的新技术、新工艺、新设备 This event will focus on exhibiting the new technologies, new processes and new equipment in recent years. ■为进一步融入航空、高铁、汽车制造等行业,立嘉公司携手行业有代表性企业、协会等联办“智能制造示范区” For attracting the manufacturers in aircraft, speed railway and automobile sector, Lijia will open Intelligent Manufacture Show Space in cooperation with the representative companies and associations. ■开展“百万升级展会”系列活动 Series activities will be launched to upgrade the event. 重庆工业领跑全国 Chongqing – China’s Industrial Leader ■重庆2015年上半年GDP在全国增速第一 Chongqing ranks No.1 in China by its GDP in the first half year of 2015. ■汽车产量跃居全国第一名,每8辆汽车就有1辆“重庆造” Automobile production climbs to No.1 in China. Every one automobile out of eight is made in Chongqing. ■全球3台电脑1台重庆造,重庆已成为全球最大的笔记本电脑生产基地 Every one notebook out of three in the world is made in Chongqing. Chongqing has become the world’s largest manufacture center of notebooks. 四川省——中国西部经济发展高地 Sichuan Province – The Economic Booster in China West ■经济总量西部第一,综合实力高居西部地区首位 Sichuan ranks No.1 in view of its GDP and comprehensive capacities in West China. ■国家级天府新区,将建成以现代制造业为主的国际化新区,实施“工业升级三年行动”,推动七大优势产业转型升级 The national-level Tianfu New Area will be built into an international center focused on modern manufacture. A three-year action will be taken to push the upgrading of seven advantageous industries. 贵州省——构建大数据核心产业链 Guizhou Province – Construction of Big-Data Industrial Chain ■2015年初,贵阳·贵安大数据产业发展集聚区创建工作获得批准,首个国家级大数据发展集聚区正式“落户”贵州 Guiyang·Gui’an Big Data Industrial Zone was approved at the beginning of 2015 – a milestone marking that the first national-level big data zone was formally established in Guizhou. ■以传统**企业为核心的航空电子装备行业快速发展,大幅提升产业自主创新能力 Guizhou is seen fast growth of its aircraft electronic industry with the traditional military companies at core. 同期活动: Activities along the event 2017重庆铸造行业年会 2017 Chongqing Annual Conference for Foundry Industry 2017重庆热处理行业年会 2017 Chongqing Annual Conference for Heat Treatment Industry 日程安排 Schedule 布展时间:2017年5月23-25日 上午8:30-下午19:30 展览时间:2017年5月26-28日 上午9:30-下午16:45 2017年5月29日 上午9:30-下午13:30 撤展时间:2017年5月29日 下午14:00-24:00 2017年5月30日 上午8:30-18:00 智能制造示范区 Intelligent Manufacture Pavilion 本届展会将在每个展馆设置“智能制造示范区”,组织有代表性用户企业、设备供应商、行业协会、媒体等单位联办,示范区将开展主题“试件加工”演示,针对不同行业产品进行现场演示加工,并与观众互动交流。 In this event, an Intelligent Manufacture Show Space will be opened in each pavilion. Representative users, suppliers, associations and media will be organized to view or demonstrate the machining of different test pieces in the show space. 展示要求:参展单位须是实物现场加工演示、讲解 Show Requirements: The exhibitor must demonstrate and explain by physical parts on site. 参与企业演示主题以及展出形式等有关示范区内容与组委会进行具体确认。 The theme and way of exhibition shall be confirmed with the Organizing Committee. 贴近用户生产需求,开展技术、工艺、生产等难点问题征集与解决 Collect and solve the users’ troubles relating to technology, process and production. 为促进行业之间交流、加强技术沟通,提升产品及行业发展,立嘉公司将在本届展会筹备期间,面向铸造、压铸、热处理、汽车制造企业管理人员、一线技术人员,开展在产品生产制造过程中,遇到的技术、设备、工艺、生产等问题进行征集,并通过组委会专家顾问团及时让相关参展商与用户之间进行对接交流,在展会期间提供现场实物演示等方式以解决相关问题,达到展前沟通交流,展期及以后进一步深入合作等效果。 To promote the industrial exchanges and boost the product development, Lijia will, prior to opening of the event, collect the technical, equipment and production problems challenged against the management and technical team in foundry, die casting, heat treatment and automobile manufacture enterprises during shop manufacturing. Through the experts team of the Organizing Team, interactive communication will be organized between the exhibitors and users. The exhibitors may solve the users?troubles by physical demonstration on site. This will help them carry out communication before the exhibition and set up depth cooperation durring and after the exhibition. 新展品参展激励活动 Incentive Activities for New Exhibits 创新产品激励是指对参展商在展会现场展出创新产品,组委会将组织专家进行评审并给予参展优惠奖励活动,目的是在展会期间让更多西部观众能见到行业领先技术、设备、工艺等,以提升西部机械行业发展水平。 Incentive for innovative products refers to the activities that the Organizing Committee will arrange experts to carry out evaluation and grant preferential awards to those who provide innovative products on the exhibition. The purpose is to allow the visitors in West China to see the leading technologies and equipment during the event.


Booth Size and Price
Pavilion A B区价格
Pavilion B
Empty Space 升级标展
Upgraded Booth 空地
Empty Space 升级标展
Upgraded Booth
RMB 900 / m2 9000元/个
RMB 9,000 / Booth 800元/m2
RMB 800 / m2 8000元/个
RMB 8,000 / Booth
Technical Forum: RMB 8,000 for each (2 hours). A theater-like conference room accommodating 60 seats, projector, background screen, audio equipment, microphone, mineral water and pen is provided.
The price above is firm and non-negotiable.


Chongqing Lijia Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Add.: 15A02 Diamond International Office Building, No.1 Haitong Road, Nanping, Chongqing
Tel: 023-86376302
