2019年南非食品展览会|Africa’s Big Seven

发布时间:2018-09-27 11:22:35浏览:1133
2019年6月23日 — 6月25日,南非,南非约翰内斯堡加拉格尔会展中心

展会名称:2019年南非食品展览会|Africa’s Big Seven

举办时间:2019-06-23 — 2019-06-25

举办展馆: 南非约翰内斯堡加拉格尔会展中心

主办单位:DMG amp EMS South Africa

承办单位:DMG amp EMS South Africa

协办单位:DMG amp EMS South Africa

行业分类: 食品饮品

展会地区: 国外 — 南非


Africa’s Big Seven南非食品展是整个非洲大陆规模最大的食品类展会,也是非洲唯一真正符合国际特色的食品展会。展会分为七个主题食品技术馆,分别为:非洲食品零售贸易、农产品加工及生产、食品技术及配料、烘焙设备配料及加工设备、饮料产品及加工包装科技、零售解决方案、食品行业服务和设备。展会汇集了全世界各地的制造商、批发商、分销商/**、独立及连锁零售商、进口商和食品服务行业的精英和专业人士,是面向或开拓非洲市场企业的最佳选择。 Africa’s Big 7 is the only food and beverage trade show in Africa to bring together hundreds of global suppliers with motivated buyers from each segment of the buying community. As an important event at Africa Trade Week 23-25 June 2019, Africa’s Big 7 takes place with The Hotel Show Africa, two high-level conferences, global chef competitions, hospitality talent and an impressive programme of FREE training plus a range of other exciting features and demonstrations you will not want to miss. Africa’s Big 7 is the annual meeting place for food professionals across the continent who visit to source, meet and gain insight into the very latest developments affecting the industry.




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邮 箱:leway308@163.com
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