
发布时间:2018-07-10 10:56:28浏览:1525
2019年7月10日 — 7月12日,上海,上海新国际博览中心


举办时间:2019-07-10 — 2019-07-12

举办展馆: 上海新国际博览中心

主办单位:中国机电产品流通协会电机分会 上海市自动化学会



行业分类: 电力电子

展会地区: 上海上海


展会简介Introduction&  受益于制造业升级的递进,我国伺服应用市场渐趋成熟。然而,我国伺服产业的发展与市场的发展并不相称,国产品牌市场份额仅占四分之一,且“欧高、日中、国低”的品牌格局已成市场固有认知。而市场真正成熟的标志之一,是本土产业规模化、品牌化发展。因此,我国伺服市场仍存“破局”发展空间。那么,我国本土伺服品牌的出路究竟何在国产伺服产品挑战中高端市场是否正当其时作为伺服市场的参与者,该如何整合研发、生产、营销、服务甚至上下游资源突围发展作为负责任的产业建设者,该如何筹谋自己企业和产业的未来。 为此,举办“2019上海国际伺服、运动控制与应用展览会暨发展论坛(SERVO-CHINA)”旨在联合业界领先的供应商、渠道商、高端用户以及咨询、传媒企业,从市场剖析和产品创新角度,搭建我国伺服领域精英人士沟通与合作的平台,推进我国伺服产业的多赢合作,促进民族产业和市场的长远发展。届时,业界专家、企业家、资深分析师将与您共同探讨我国伺服市场的应用趋势,同时见证我国自主伺服产品“里程碑式”的发展。 展会重点交流国内外伺服行业现状与发展方向。通过大规模、全方位、多层次、统一性的国际伺服产业“会”“展”,打造我国伺服行业首个集产业博览、贸易洽谈、高峰论坛于一体的综合性会展平台。 为伺服项目搭建展示、推介、交流合作的机会,邀请国内外伺服相关客商到会开展经贸洽谈、集中签约,促进投资与项目对接,推动我国伺服产业蓬勃发展。&  Benefiting from the upgrade of manufacturing industry, China's servo application market is becoming mature. However, is not commensurate with the development and market of our country in servo industry, the market share of domestic brands accounted for only 1/4, and "West high-end, China low" brand has become the market inherent cognitive pattern. One of the signs of real market maturity is the scale and brand development of local industries. Therefore, China's servo market still has "broken bureau" development space. So, our local servo brand, where is the way out of domestic products in the high-end market is servo challenge timely as servo market participants, how to integrate research and development, production, marketing, service and even break through the development of upstream and downstream resources as a responsible industry construction, how to plan their business and Industry in the future. To this end, organized the 2019 Shanghai international, servo motion control and Application Exhibition Development Forum (SERVO-CHINA) aims to unite the industry's leading suppliers, distributors, end users and consulting, media companies, from market **ysis and product innovation angle, to build China's servo elites in the field of communication and cooperation platform to promote win-win cooperation China's servo industry, promote the long-term development of national industry and market. At the same time, industry experts, entrepreneurs and senior **ysts will discuss with you the application trend of the servo market in China, and witness the milestone development of the autonomous servo products in china. The exhibition will focus on the current situation and development direction of servo industry both at home and abroad. Through large-scale, all-round, multi-level, the unity of the international industrial servo "conference"+ "exhibition", to create China's first set of servo industry industry expo, trade forum and integrated exhibition platform. To build a display, promotion, exchange and cooperation for servo project opportunities, invite domestic and foreign merchants to carry out servo related trade negotiations, signing, investment promotion and project docking, promote the vigorous development of China's industrial servo. 参加SERVO CHINA,您可以 Join SERVO CHINA, you can ■ 树立企业形象,奠定行业地位 Establish enterprise image,Lay position in the industry . ■ 广泛会见国内外万余名专业观众 Widely meet more than 60000 professional audience at home and abroad. ■ 发布新产品、新工艺信息 Release latest product and new process information. ■ 接触国际采购团,开拓海外市场 Contact International Purchasing group,Explore overseas markets. ■ 了解行业发展动态,把握竞争机会 Understand the development of the industry, grasp the opportunity of competition ■ 开启伺服行业的贸易平台 Open the trade platform of servo industry 参展商-观众统计Exhibitor-Spectator statistics ■ 40个国家和地区出席了展会,除来自中国大陆和台湾、香港外,还有来美国、德国、英国、加拿大、意大利、俄罗斯、新加坡、伊朗、 韩国、日本、印度、巴西、土耳其、南非等国家; 40 countries and regions attended the exhibition, except from mainland China and Taiwan and Hongkong, and come from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Russia, Singapore, Iran, Korea, Japan, India, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa and other countries. ■ 4,9910位参观者在展会现场进行了商贸洽谈及活动,他们来自中国航天、舍弗勒、GE、博世、韩国现代、马自达、汉能、中华汽车、日本电产、新松、上海港机、研华、艾默生、罗克韦尔、科尔摩根、西门子、贝加莱、上海电气集团、卧龙电器、中船重工、斗山、格力电器、日立电器、西门子、ABB、欧姆龙、包米勒、美的电器、奥的斯、SMC、中兴、奥克斯集团、丰田汽车、海尔、施耐德电器、松下电机、中达电通、哈工大机器人、伦茨、中国航天科工、中钢集团、费斯托、中国石化、中国铁道、威腾斯坦、霍尼韦尔、海康机器人、LG、上汽集团、首钢股份、巴斯夫、安川电机、中远集团、嘉陵-本田、大洋、河北电机等。 49910 visitors were engaged in business talks and activities at the exhibition site. They came from CASC, Schaeffler, GE, BOSCH,Hyundai, Mazda, Hanergy, Zhonghua, NIDEC& CORPORATION, SIASUN, Shanghai port machine, Advantech, Emerson, Rockwell, Kollmorgen, B&R,Shanghai Electric& , Wolong , CSIC, Doosan, GREE, Hitachi, SIEMENS, ABB, OMRON,Baumüller,midea , Otis, SMC, ZTE, AUX group, TOYOTA , Haier, Schneider, Panasonic, Zhongda electric, hIT robot, LenCE, CASIC, SINOSTEEL, fESTO, Sinopec, China Railway, Wittenstein, Honeywell,hikrobotics, LG, SAIC motor, Shougang, BASF, yaskawa, COSCO Group, Honda, broad-ocean, Hebem and so on. ■ 87%的参观者参与参展商达成合作意向;


Exhibition project 规格及要求
Specifications 国内展区
Domestic enterprises 豪华展区
Deluxe standard booth 外资企业
Foreign enterprises
Standard booth 3m ╳ 3m 13800元/个
RMB13,800/ 9m2 16800元/个
RMB16,800/ 9m2 3600美元/个
Angle standard booths 3m ╳ 3m 15800元/个
RMB15,800/ 9m2 18800元/个
RMB18,800/ 9m2 4000美元/个
Interior space 36m2起订
36m2order 1600元/m2
RMB1600/m2 / 400美元/m2
■ 标准展位费用:包括展出场地、2.5m高壁板、楣牌制作、9平方米地毯、洽谈桌一张、椅子二把、5A/220V
Charges for a standard booth include following items that will be provided or prepared: exhibition space, 2.5m high wall plate, door head, 9 m2 carpet, a desk and 2 chairs for business negotiation.A 10A/220V single-phase socket and 2pcs of spotlight.
■ 空场地不带任何展架及设施,参展商自行安排特殊装修工作或委托组织单位推荐的搭建公司。
Interior space does not have any exhibition stand or facilities. Exhibitors shall be responsible for special decoration or commission relevant companies recommended by the organizers for the work.


Address: 20/F, No. 2659, Shuichan Road, Banshan District, Shanghai
联系人:崔雯 13817514556
