
发布时间:2014-03-07 09:02:07浏览:2319
2014年8月8日 — 8月11日,乌鲁木齐,新疆国际会展中心


举办时间:2014-08-08 — 2014-08-11

举办展馆: 新疆国际会展中心




行业分类: 奢侈品

展会地区: 新疆乌鲁木齐


主办单位:中国国际贸易促进联合会 Organizers: China International Trade Promotion Association 亚洲经贸发展促进中心 Asian economic and trade development promotion center 亚洲珠宝联合会黄金协会 Federation of Asian Jewelry Gold Council 山东省珠宝商会 Shandong jeweler 协办单位:新疆黄金珠宝质量检测中心 Sponsors: Gold Jewelry Quality Inspection Center of Xinjiang 承办单位:德尔展览有限公司 Sponsor: Del Exhibition Co., Ltd. 海外组展:香港东港国际展览有限公司 Overseas Group Exhibition: Hong Kong East Hong Kong International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 一、本届展会的四大优势 First, the four major advantages of this exhibition 1、地理优势:乌鲁木齐有着特殊的地缘优势,自古便有“开天辟地之门户”之称,是连接天山南北、沟通新疆与内地的交通枢纽,乌鲁木齐是我国五个省区民族自治区域之一的新疆的首府,是全疆政治、经济、文化的中心,中国西部对外开放的重要门户,新欧亚大陆桥中国西段的桥头堡,地处亚洲大陆地理中心,是欧亚大陆中部重要的都市。这里的人群与全国其它地区一样掀起近年来少有的珠宝首饰消费的热潮,并且他们的消费水平均在中高端产品。 1、Urumqi has a unique geographical advantage, has "the creation of the world's portal" say, connecting the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, communication between Xinjiang and the mainland transportation hub, Urumqi is the capital of China's five provinces and autonomous regions of Xinjiang, Xinjiang is the political, economic, cultural center, an important gateway Chinese Western foreign open, the new Eurasian Continental Bridge bridgehead Chinese West, is located in the geographic center of the Asian continent, is an important city in central eurasia. The crowd here and in other parts of the country in recent years as a rare jewelry consumption boom, and their consumption level are in the high-end products. 2、规模优势:新疆国际会展中心是中国西部地区面向中亚、规模最大、功能最全的国际性会展中心之一,是“中国-亚欧博览会”举办场馆。新疆乌鲁木齐的城市标志性工程,展馆中部主体建筑为五层上托椭球体明月造型,气势恢宏寓意“明月出天山”,主体建筑前设置景观广场,并附设停车场、展品储运分布区。 2、 the scale advantages: Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center is one of the Central Asia, West Chinese for the largest, most of the International Convention and Exhibition Center, is "China Eurasia Expo venues". Xinjiang Urumqi city landmark projects, the central for the five story main building supporting ellipsoid moon shape, magnificent meaning "moon out of the Tianshan Mountains", before the main building set landscape square, and car park, exhibits transportation distribution area. 3、专业优势: 由德尔展览有限公司组织并承办,公司以“让客户做生意更便捷”为中心理念,以“打造专业珠宝首饰品牌展”为活动宗旨,为珠宝首饰行业在新疆地区快速、健康、稳定的发展搭建一个交流便捷的沟通平台。 3、Professional advantages: Del Exhibition Co., Ltd. by the organization and the contractor, the company "to allow customers to do business more convenient" for the central concept of "create a professional brand jewelry exhibition" for the activities of the purpose for the jewelry industry in Xinjiang fast, healthy, stable development build a communication platform for convenient communication. 4、宣传优势:在专业传媒及公众媒体上刊登大量广告及信息;客服人员提前于业务人员开始对外进行观众电话邀约,12万条观众手机号的对外发送。10万份门票各大商场珠宝首饰专柜、古玩收藏文化城、珠宝首饰城、车市、房产、行业批发商、零售商、各中高档写字楼等进行派发;前往国内外同类型展会进行推广活动,扩大展会知名度;本届展会的官方网站特设观众预登记板块,提前预登记观众现场领取精美大礼包一份,名额有限送完为止。 八大展馆爆满、预计日观众量5万人次左右。 4、 propaganda advantage: published in the professional media and the public a lot of advertising and media information; customer service staff in advance of the start of business in foreign audience telephone solicitation, sends 120,000 spectators phone number. 100,000 copies of ticket counters in major shopping malls jewelry, antiques and cultural city, the city of jewelery, automobile, real estate, industry, wholesalers, retailers, high-grade office buildings, etc. each payment; go abroad show the same type of promotional activities to expand fair visibility; exhibition's official website Special pre-registration plate, ahead of pre-registered visitors receive live beautifully spree, places are limited while supplies last. Full Eight pavilions, are expected to amount 50,000 spectators around day trips.


二、展览范围Second, the scope of the exhibition 1、宝石类钻石红宝石蓝宝石天然宝石半宝石其它有色宝石/宝石; 1, gemstone categories: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, natural stones, semi-precious stones, other colored stones / gems; 2、玉石类翡翠和田玉白玉青玉碧玉黄玉墨玉岫岩玉南阳玉独山玉绿松石玛瑙猫眼石碧玺水晶祖母绿青金石蓝田玉碧甸子与孔雀石; 2, jade categories: jade, and nephrite, jade, jade, jasper, topaz, black jade, Xiuyan, Nanyang jade, Dushan jade, turquoise, agate, opal, tourmaline, quartz, emerald, lapis lazuli, Lantian, Pitt tal and malachite; 3、首饰类钻石首饰铂金首饰银首饰黄金首饰珍珠首饰有色宝石首饰时尚首饰人造首饰其它纯贵重金属首饰玉器首饰/装饰物; 3, jewelry: Diamond jewelry, platinum jewelry, silver jewelry, gold jewelry, Pearl jewelry, colored gemstone jewelry, Fashion jewelry, artificial jewelry, other pure precious metal jewelry, jade jewelry / ornaments; 4、珍珠类天然珍珠养殖珍珠天然海珠海水珍珠淡水珍珠南洋珍珠黑珍珠; 4, Pearl categories: natural pearls, cultured pearls, natural Sea beads, Sea pearls, freshwater pearls, South Sea pearls, black pearls; 5、流行饰品人造宝石五金饰品配件不锈钢饰品等; 5, Fashion jewelry: artificial stones, metal jewelry, accessories, stainless steel jewelry, etc.; 6、设备及仪器珠宝加工设备首饰工具检测设备清洗设备管理软件陈列及包用品等; 6, equipment and apparatus: jewelry processing equipment, jewelry, tools, test equipment, cleaning equipment, management software, display and packaging supplies;


三、 展位配置:Third, the booth:
1、标准展位配置包括:每个标准展位三面(两面)墙板、二支射灯、一张咨询桌、两把椅子、地毯、 220V交流电源插座一只,中文楣板等。标准展位价格6800元(人民币)
1, standard booth includes: three sides of each standard booth (both sides) wall, two spotlights, one consulting desk, two chairs, carpets, 220V AC power outlet one, Chinese fascia board and so on. Standard booth price 6800 yuan (RMB)
2、 光地展位无任何配置、展商自行设计:(需36㎡起租);光地价格700元(人民币)/平方米。
2, light booth without any configuration, the exhibitors own design: (need 36 ㎡); Raw price 700 yuan (RMB) / square meter.


Fourth, the Organizing Committee breeze office:
地 址:青岛市山东路52号华嘉大厦201室 邮 编:266071
Address: Room 201 Hua Jia Building, Qingdao, Shandong Road 52 Zip Code: 266071
电 话(Tel):+86-532-85017066
传 真(Fax):+86-532-85833615
联系人(Contact):张春燕(Elma) 13864275475
Weixin/Q Q: 2804322570
E-mail: 2804322570@qq.com

